Nothing quite matches the excitement of high school graduation. It is a big day in any young person’s life, frightening and exciting all at once. Before you head to college, you have to pack away everything that you’ve accumulated since childhood. This guide will help you clean out your room before you go to college.

1) Letting Go

After a lifetime of accumulating possessions, it’s now time to start getting rid of all that clutter. Unfortunately, it’s sometimes harder to get rid of the things you love than you may have imagined.. Start with the things you haven’t used in a long time and move on to those things that have a bit of sentimental value. When you’re done, you will have significantly cut down on the number of things that you will need to pack.

2) Make Lists

Guess what? It can be expensive to outfit a college dorm room. You need to make a list of everything you will need to live in your dorm and figure out what you already have. If you need something, make sure to buy it ahead of time – most stores are very busy for the first few weeks after college starts and no one wants to deal with those kind of crowds.

Stay on Schedule

You’re going to be packing away your whole life when you head to college, so be sure you keep to a schedule. Start by packing the things that you’ll only need in your dorm, and then move on to packing more and more until only the necessities remain.

Plan for the Future

Stock up on everything you need now so you don’t have to worry about it later. For most, this means cleaning supplies if it turns out that mom and dad won’t be bringing those for you!

After you’ve figured out what you’re bringing and what you’re leaving behind, it’s time to figure out what to do with all of your unwanted junk. Let Stand Up Guys handle the junk removal in Atlanta GA from your home while you focus on getting ready for your exciting new life abroad.

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