Junk Junk Junk
Today was a hot one, and the clean ups we had were all outside, but trust me that doesn’t bother Stand Up Guys. Even though this is the hottest summer that I can remember in quite a while, we have just been truckin’ along hot day after hot day.
Stand Up Guys got a new account with two different shopping centers this week. Both of the shopping centers are very old and are going into construction to completely revamp everything into nicer, newer and more modern-day stores. The parking lots though have been badly abused by some people, the backs are all filled with tons of household junk and debris. Probably twenty mattresses, over four or five couches and it goes on like that. The particular junk pile in the picture was left in the back corner of an old comic book store. The junk looked like it had been sitting there for at least a year if not more, so it wasn’t too much fun cleaning it all up. We are always careful though, by wearing gloves and if need be mask to cover our mouth and noses, because you can’t ever be too safe.
As quickly as we can though we are cleaning up this entire shopping center, we hope that it helps the new businesses moving in and most of all we really hope it helps clean this part of the community up. After all that is what it all comes down to, trust me we love getting the work to better ourselves and the company but what satisfies us most is the opportunity to help out our town. It’s not every day that we have the chance to do that. Ya we help clean up homes and garages on a daily basis and help single homes and families, which is very nice, but getting to help the community as a whole is extremely gratifying.

Clean Up Time

All Gone!!!
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