Shed Demo And Removal – Johns Creek

Shed Removal
Last week we had our hands full with a fairly large shed that was originally used to hold horses, and chickens. The home, and the shed were located in John’s Creek, right in between Alpharetta, and Milton. The original owner of the house, back about fourty years ago, was the one who actually built it, and boy!
He built this thing to withstand almost anything, hurricane, tornado, and probably even an atomic bomb. That’s how solid this shed was. What we thought would take us two days, because that’s your typical turn around on taking down a shed this size, wound up taking us, six days. It was sure built to last, everywhere where there should have been a 2×4, there was a 4×4, and everywhere there should be a nail, there was 40 of them. We quickly nicknamed the shed “MonstraShed”.
So we took the necessary steps to taken this monster shed down, aka “MonstraShed“.
- First, we took off the roof. It was weighing the whole thing down do trying to maneuver any of the walls, or any of the base was out of question. Unless the roof was completely gone, and the whole thing was two layers of thick tin, so it wasn’t a picnic getting it to come off. The roof wound up taking us the entire first day. With three guys mind you, but we were able to recycle everything at the local Alpharetta recycling center.
- Second, we took off all of the plywood walls, doors, windows, and gutted out everything that was inside of the shed, junk, clutter, etc. That alone took us three and a half days. One, because the sides where bolted on everywhere they could be, and two, the shed was filled to the gills with junk.Now that we had all that off, and hauled away, all we were left with was the frame.
- Third, we chained each segment of the frame to the back of our trucks, and one at a time pulled them out of the ground. Once we had the entire frame laid out on the ground, we could take it apart in manageable pieces. Once we did that, we just loaded a few trucks up, swept up the site, and called it a day.

Shed-No More
Most sheds out their aren’t anywhere near this size, and are almost never built as strong as this one was. The new owner of the home was actually having us take this one down, so that he could build a new, more convenient one, because this one was ancient, and wasn’t doing anybody any good.
We did learn some valuable lessons though, because if we ever come across another enormous monster like “MonstraShed” we will know exactly what to do. Hopefully that wont be for a while though, because, as fun as that sounded, it really wasn’t.
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